Monday, 4 May 2015

Compressing the Case for Compression Gear

Compressing the Case for Compression Gear

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “wasn’t this supposed to be the third instalment of the Trampolining S&C series?”
And you’d be right, it was supposed to be exactly that! However, not only have I struggled to find the time to get it written to a standard that I’m happy presenting to everyone, I’m also considering pulling it all together for another project for you guys, so best not to give it all away too early.
So anyway, on with today’s post!

Recently I’ve been beginning to pick up some knocks, some strains, and some general pains and niggles from my training. I decided to try out some compression gear in the hope that it might just stave off an actual injury until I’m able to finish this training block and begin another.
So I’ve basically been bench pressing in the world’s tightest Nike Pro Combat t-shirt, and squatting in some ball-bustingly tight Under Armour shorts (I’m not convinced I can have kids anymore).
Fun times!

If only I could pull it off as well as these lads…

What I didn’t actually stop to consider is whether or not this was actually going to result in any performance increases or injury prevention, or whether it would simply make me impotent whilst looking like a tit.
So let’s find out, shall we?

A (very) Brief Review

Compression gear was initially developed to treat swelling disorders such as lymphedema, but due to its ability to create positive pressure across 1-way valves in blood veins (the change in pressure encouraging blood flow to the heart and not pooling in veins) it was adapted to treat vascular issues, such as varicose veins. This is particularly applicable to people who are stationary or immobile for great periods of time, such as airline passengers, as this helps to stop the blood pooling that can occur from being sat still for ages, and from gravity having a field day while we defy it and fly through the air. That’s why you always see people on planes with those super nifty socks – they’re just trying not to let blood pool in their veins, causing them to bulge and swell.

Maybe compression socks aren’t “always” why you see long socks in airports and on planes. Some people just like to look as cool as these lads on their travels. Keep on truckin’, fellas.

It wasn’t long though until that guy who loves all the attention he gets from having the latest fad gadget with him in the gym caught wind of this magical compression kit, and decided ‘that blood flow thing’ might not be too bad when exercising.
But was he right?

Effects of Various Types of Compression Gear (CG) on Performance & Injury

Most of the studies that have been done on compression clothing and its effects on sporting performance have been done on running, unfortunately, but it’s not all bad news – some of the findings were either wholly useful on a given parameter of performance (such as blood lactate levels) or they were wholly not, so we can fairly safely presume the same result will occur in different sports that generate the same effects on the body; there were also some results that were shown because of a prior variable (such as pre-fatigue), which can also be a useful bit of information to have.

So firstly let’s look at the studies that have been done specifically on compression socks in running.
Ali, et al., (2007) studied the effects of compression socks on soreness and muscular pain 24-hours after participants undertook 2 shuttle runs with 1 hour rest between each, and on fatigue and soreness 24-hours after a 10km training run. While there was no significant changes in the shuttle run groups, there was a minor feeling of reduced soreness in the 10km group.
Kemmler (2009) then expanded on this by taking “moderately-trained” runners through 2 maximal treadmill tests. A slight improvement in endurance was shown in the CG group, which was theorised as the result of improved mechanical efficiency, though this was not tested for so can’t really be relied upon.
Varela-Sanz (2011) decided to take experienced runners and monitor their efficiency and oxygen consumption in 4 6-minute bouts at ½ marathon pace, and a run to exhaustion at 5k pace. Absolutely no difference was observed in the running economy and oxygen uptake tests, but there was a slightly lower heart rate in the CG group undertaking the 5k pace run.
Rider, et al. (2014) then took some division III collegiate runners through a maximal treadmill test protocol, and measured heart rate, blood lactate, blood lactate threshold, Vo2max, respiratory exchange ratio, rating of perceived exertion, and time to fatigue. Unfortunately there wasn’t a single significant difference in any of these variables, with the tiny exception that after 1 minute of rest the CG group had a slightly lower blood lactate level. It’s not exactly ground-breaking, but it could, the author suggested, lend credence to the claims of improved recovery through lower blood lactate values after exercise. Not much to go on though, really.
Finally, since people started realising that no one had ever really considered the whole placebo effect before (which seems crazy now, since it’s pretty obvious to the participants if they’re wearing knee-high compression socks, or just normal gym socks), our old mate Ali (2011) decided to see whether this was an issue or not. The study took 12 runners and put them through 5 10k trials, each group cycling through 4 different types of compression sock – one was the control (so not a compression sock), and then low, medium, and high degrees of compression. After each trial the subjects did a vertical leap test. None of the compression socks, at any degree of compression, had an effect on performance, blood lactate accumulation, or heart rate.
Not the best start, but there was some interesting data to come out of the study – while the control and high compression socks did nothing to change the results of the vertical jump test (except for a minor downward trend in vertical jump height), the medium and low compression sock groups actually seemed to prevent the runners losing maximal muscle power, seeing an improvement in their vertical jump heights. This means they had better preserved power, which of course has implications for recovery since the legs were presumably less fatigued.

So that’s the socks covered, and the results aren’t exactly glowing, are they?
I reckon when Sperlish, et al. (2009) did their study, choosing to use compression socks, stockings, and bodysuits, they thought they had cracked it. The study compared the effects of compression gear on physiological and perceptual variables during sub-maximal and maximal exercise on 15 well-trained runners. Arterial lactate concentration, oxygen saturation, pH levels, oxygen uptake, and ratings of perceived muscle soreness were monitored before, during and after tests.
Unfortunately, not a single piece of significant data showing any change between CG and non-CG groups was noted.
In what feels like the final nail in the coffin for compression gear, Holmberg (2013) did a meta-analysis of the research on CG and its effects on performance in sports (including but not limited to running), noting that the results showed either a small positive effect, or absolutely no effect. Here are the variables that CG showed no effect on:
  • ·         Vo2max
  • ·         Sub-maximal oxygen uptake
  • ·         Blood lactate concentration
  • ·         Heart rate
  • ·         Cardiac output
  • ·         Cardiac index
  • ·         Stroke volume
  • ·         Peak leg power
  • ·         Maximal distance throwing
  • ·         Balance
  • ·         Joint-position sense
  • ·         Arm tremble on bench press
  • ·         Perceived exertion

And here are the small positives:
  • ·         Time to exhaustion
  • ·         Time-trial performance
  • ·         Single and repeated sprinting (10-60m)
  • ·         Vertical Jump

Now, it’s always worth noting that a) with meta-analyses the results are so widespread it’s hard to lock down the variables and the stimuli, so it’s not always the best representation of the data, and b) the piece, as far as I’m aware, hasn’t been published properly yet, so it could be a little off base with some of its methods.
That being said, there’s still reason to view the effects CG has on performance in the categories listed as non-starters as unlikely to be helpful.
Silver, et al. (2009) produced a very interesting study on how a compression shirt, or a bench-shirt, affects the path of the bar in a bench press. 5 participants were subjected to 2 series of 1RM bench press tests with 1 week rest between each series. Series 1 was a 1RM bench press test without the bench-shirt, and series 2 was the same test with the bench-shirt. The study showed that the vertical bar path ranges were considerably better with the bench-shirt, and that the optimal and observed total differences were significant in the group without the shirt, but not so for the group with the shirt. These findings suggest that the bench press is more efficient and consistent with the bench-shirt, which is very interesting. What I found even more interesting, however, is the note by the author that there was a notable decrease in the forces that act on the shoulder during the bench press in the with-shirt group, meaning a possible decrease in risk of injury.
Following from that, a study by Kraemer, et al. (1998) took college age participants and put them through vertical jump test protocols, all of which were performed on an AMTI force plate that measured jump power, after differing levels of fatigue. Interestingly, the participants were familiarised with the protocols enough prior to the tests that any changes shown couldn’t necessarily be put down to general familiarization with the test procedure (such as people getting much better scores on the bleep test just days after having done their previous test, due to familiarisation with the cadence of the beeps and pacing of their exertions). The study showed that the compression shorts had no effect on maximal power, but showed significantly enhanced mean power output in jump tests pre and post different fatigue tasks, and also showed enhanced joint-position sense at the hips (at 45° and 60° of flexion).
What was really interesting in this study was the effect the compression shorts had on the landing of the jumps, namely that the vertical velocity of the muscle movement upon landing was decreased. The author suggested that this may mean both improved performance and reduced risk of injury due to reduced muscle oscillation upon impact.

Not that kind of impact though, unfortunately.

This reduction in muscle oscillation was also noted by Doan, et al. (2003), who was testing the effects of custom fit compression shorts on 20 college level sprint and jump event competitors. The authors wrote it so wonderfully succinctly I’m just going to straight up quote them:

“Although 60 m sprint time was not affected, hip flexion angle was reduced. Skin temperature increased more and at a faster rate during a warm-up protocol. Muscle oscillation was decreased during vertical jump landing. Countermovement vertical jump height increased when the participants were wearing the custom-fit compression garment. In materials testing, the elasticity of the compressive garment provides increased flexion and extension torque at the end range of extension and flexion, respectively, and may assist the hamstrings in controlling the leg at the end of the swing phase in sprinting. The compressive garment significantly reduced impact force by 27% compared with American football pants alone. Through various mechanisms, these findings may translate into an effect on athletic performance and a reduction in injuries.”

Finally, Duffield, et al. (2009) also showed that compression shorts reduced hip flexion during sprinting, and skin temperature was increased during warm-up, which it was stated may reduce the risk of hamstring injuries, though the protection may be pretty minimal.

So Should I Use Compression Gear?

Short answer, probably not. Long answer, yes, but only if you can afford to spend out on something that might not actually improve your performance or reduce your risk of injury.
I would say that, for the average gym-goer, you probably won’t suffer for not wearing the absolute latest Under Armour or Nike compression kit (which will set you back an absolute bomb), because the likelihood of you needing those small alterations of variables the research noted is slim to nil.
If you are a sprinter (or do a sport that involves sprinting), or do a sport that involves excessive hip flexion/extension or impact (I’m thinking of stuff like gymnastics, MMA), then you could well benefit from reduced risk of injury and improved power performance due to the lack of muscle oscillation the impacts can result in. If you’re an endurance runner then maybe some compression socks would be minorly useful too, as long as they don’t cost you much.
But back to my original question – did I make the right choice by deciding to turn to compression gear to solve my niggles and injury woes?
Well, again, it’s yes and no.
Yes, the compression shirt may have similar effects on my bench as the bench-shirt did in the research by Silver, et al. (2009), though it’s unlikely, and yes, the compression shorts probably did reduce muscular oscillation and improved repeated power output in my squat jumps, but that’s about it… Otherwise I just put myself through some discomfort and made myself look like a bit of a tit for very little reason.
From now on, I think I’ll only stick on the compression gear when I’m sprinting, doing impact sports/exercises, doing jump squats, or when I have holes in my shorts.
Which I do have, currently.

So that's another post and interesting topic covered! Who knows what I'll do next time (hint: me), so stay tuned and see how we can improve your performance in future!
As always, you can reach me on TwitterInstagrame-mail, and here at Guts & Glory Athletics.
See you soon… 

 Stay Glorious,

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