Monday, 4 May 2015

Compressing the Case for Compression Gear

Compressing the Case for Compression Gear

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “wasn’t this supposed to be the third instalment of the Trampolining S&C series?”
And you’d be right, it was supposed to be exactly that! However, not only have I struggled to find the time to get it written to a standard that I’m happy presenting to everyone, I’m also considering pulling it all together for another project for you guys, so best not to give it all away too early.
So anyway, on with today’s post!

Recently I’ve been beginning to pick up some knocks, some strains, and some general pains and niggles from my training. I decided to try out some compression gear in the hope that it might just stave off an actual injury until I’m able to finish this training block and begin another.
So I’ve basically been bench pressing in the world’s tightest Nike Pro Combat t-shirt, and squatting in some ball-bustingly tight Under Armour shorts (I’m not convinced I can have kids anymore).
Fun times!

If only I could pull it off as well as these lads…

What I didn’t actually stop to consider is whether or not this was actually going to result in any performance increases or injury prevention, or whether it would simply make me impotent whilst looking like a tit.
So let’s find out, shall we?