Friday, 31 October 2014

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest - Part 5

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest

Welcome to part 5 of the Why I Love & Hate Pinterest series, in which I’ll spend some time pondering some pins I’ve seen lately that either enraged, encouraged, or exasperated me. This week, I’ll start off the problem with a lack of ACTUAL information.
Unlike the usual way I do these posts, with the first point in the first post and then 2 more in the following, I'm doing 2 in one post here. The final point of this heading is quite long, so it can carry a post on it's own.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest - Part 4

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest

Following on from last week, where we started looking at the poor understanding of realistic attainment displayed by pinners on Pinterest, this week we have the 2nd and 3rd examples of this heinous crime. Starting with...

Friday, 17 October 2014

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest - Part 3

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest

Following on from last week's third installment of Why I Love & Hate Pinterest, in which we focused on the how Pinterest could promote Warped Goals/Ideas, this post will have the 1st part of our second topic...

Friday, 10 October 2014

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest - Part 2

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest

Following on from last week's first installment of Why I Love & Hate Pinterest, in which we focused on the 1st reason Pinterest could promote Warped Goals/Ideas, this post will have the 2nd and 3rd reasons...
Let's crack on.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest - Part 1

Why I Love & Hate Pinterest

I’m sure a lot of you, maybe even most of you, have come across this site due in no small part to Pinterest. I use Pinterest a fair amount, primarily because it’s an easy way to get free exposure for my writing and, eventually, my services as a personal trainer. As a whole, I really love Pinterest, there’s some great stuff on there and the community that ‘pins’ seems to be without the judgemental trolls that inhabit other social media outlets like Tumblr and Imgur.
Unfortunately though, as far as I’ve seen in the Health & Fitness bracket of the site, Pinterest does offer a platform for some pretty suspect stuff to get a great amount of exposure.
The way I see it, Pinterest is a great place for great training practice, nutritional advice, and encouragement, but there’s an awful lot of stuff that’s the complete opposite appearing and, worse, getting frequently repinned.
There seems to be 3 major ways in which Pinterest is not well-serving the fitness community, and they are: promoting warped goals/ideas, extolling poor understanding of realistic attainment, and lack of actual information.
Over the next few weeks I’ll go through examples of each of these three headings, and talk a little bit about why they’re not helping you, or your fitness goals (or even your mental health, some of them). Given that each heading is averaging around 500 words, I’ll separate each heading into 2 weeks, so it’s not just massive article after massive article.

This week, we’re going to go through example 1 of how Pinterest can give exposure to, and potentially promote, warped goals/ideas.